


I, Becky, am sitting in the living room of an incredibly studly guy!!!! Of course you all know him though because if you have read the blog you know who I am talking about! Anyways he invited me to his parent's house to *gasp* meet them! Nikki is here with me since she after all is one of his best friends and she basically told me that if I was getting to go to Chi town that she was going with me. Don't you just love how she invited herself, but it ended up being the best thing?! I am excited because school is starting soon and I was beginning to wonder if anything was going to happen before school began. Chicago is nice...and a whole lot bigger than I thought it would be. The ridiculousness of it all though is that I have been sick this entire time! Yeah Lucky me got Strep Throat when I was in Orem visiting Jess before we flew out to Chicago. Really now people does anyone know how to cough anymore?! I mean you need to actually cover your mouth with something and if you cough into your hands go wash them right away you nasty! You want to know what is even nastier? The medicine they give you to take. It smells like burnt rubber and tastes like death. Yes I am positive that when I die the taste of death will be the same as that disgusting little pill I am forced to take four times a day. *bleh*

I wanted to get on here mainly to talk about a trend I have noticed amongst us Young Single Adults...no one dates anymore. Okay so maybe people do date, but not everyone. What I am talking about though is dating dating...old school rules. Nowadays people get away with texting or facebooking a date request. Really now? You can't call a person up or go ask them in person? You have to use two of the most impersonal ways to ask someone on a date? Also a new disturbing trend I have noticed is that when on said date there is no real "plan". No the guys (or girls) will ask their date WHILE ON THE DATE what they want to do. NO NO NO see when you ask someone out you need to already have it all planned out BEFORE you ask them. That way you can tell them what you are doing if they happen to ask.
Here is an example of a horrid date that just occurred.

Nikki was asked out via facebook by one of Chris' friends (Donali..the guy I am dating...) and of course Chris and I were going to tag along just because it was going to be awkward for Nikki. Anyways Chris told his friend to let him know what the plan was and everything so he could tell us what to prepare for. His friend said it was no problem that he would handle everything. Well he picked us up (this was last night) and immediately asked where we wanted to eat. Now I am fine normally with choosing whatever, but Nikki hates being put on the spot and she hates making those decisions (something about it not being remotely important to her to give any thought to) and Chris was mortified immediately. We finally ended up at Panda Express and dinner went well enough where this friend was forgiven. We all figured he just wanted to make sure we ate somewhere where we actually wanted to eat. Well imagine our surprise when he looks over at Nikki and asks her what she wanted to do. The look on her face (although priceless) sealed the this poor guy's fate. We ended up going home after Panda because Nikki refused to say anything to him and Chris was really embarassed by being in public with his friend.

I sat back and enjoyed that whole scene, and I realize that Nikki probably comes across as snobby and a witch with a capitol "B", but you kind of have to understand that to some girls, expecting them to choose everything on the date that YOU asked them out on is a sign of disrespect. Nikki wouldn't have cared what we did as long as she didn't have to worry about choosing what to do. We have always made it a point to plan everything out before asking a guy on a date and it isn't that hard to expect the same.

Oh and BTW Chris is totally making up for yesterday. He set Nikki up on a blind date and we are doubling again. We are going to this one place to learn how to make our own pizza's and then after we are going and watching "How To Train Your Dragon"!!!!!!! That is how you plan a date people!

Laters my gators,


Valentine's Schmalentines...

I think Valentine's Day is the biggest joke ever. Seriosuly who knows the history of it anyways? I mean seriously Not many people know the story of St. Valentine and what he did for people.

Now Becky is trying to get me to go on some date with some random guy and celebrate the fact that instead of getting married soon I am single and covered in bruises. No amount of candy message hearts and paper Valentines is going to make me look forward to going back to the Single's Branch and facing the dating world again. I think it is too soon. I know Jess wants me to get out of the hospital and I know that everyone wants me to keep moving forward, but I can I please just have some time to myself without guys?

I am going to disappear to Temple Square for awhile and just enjoy myself. Hang with the missionaries and with my biggest greatest brother ever Jesus Christ! He has been a big help lately and I know I need to spend some one on one time with Him and Our Father. I just might hit up the Joseph Smith Movie as well. I haven't been alone on my own since the fight and I think everyone is trying to keep a close eye on me. I am really struggling right now and at times it is hard to breathe.

No I am not suicidal or anything I just am feeling really horrible right now. I had fallen and fallen hard you know? To end up where I am right now just....makes me really pissed at the adversary. I know he had a hand in this and I just want to punch him.

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease,


Valentine's Day!!!

My DEAREST readers!

Hello to you all from me, JESS!!!! Yes sadly I am having to write this all down on paper because the stinky doctors say that a laptop is not allowed into my room. :( But LUCKILY for me Becky is going to type the letter up EXACTLY as I write it on the paper.

I made her promise to do it. Anywhoo I am soooooo glad to be back and writing to all you loverly people. What isn't so loverly is that I am in a stinky hospital because of being too skinny for someone having TWINS!!!! I know right?! I just about peed my hospital gown when I found out! Derek and I are so EXCITED! We get a boy AND a girl in one shot! Holy Crap though I just realized we are going to need a bigger apartment because we could fit one baby barely, but now TWO babies are coming and oh my goodness that is going to be INSANE! TWO BABIES!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Needless to say that I pretty much think Heavenly Father is amazing for blessing us with two of His children at the same time.

So yeah Nikki basically is totally my hero. I was not there when she beat the living daylights out of that creep, but I did get to see a brilliant re-enactment from my husband and brothers. Let me tell you I for one HATE HATE HATE guys who hit women and second I HATE HATE HATE when men abuse the priesthood. Derek says that he will most likely be excommunicated or something. I say "Amen" to that! Any man who holds the priesthood knows better than to use it as some sort of holding power over another person, you can't use the priesthood to take away someone's agency. Ladies NEVER let some stupid guy boss you around just because he has the priesthood. If he does, he isn't worthy of it. Derek would never try to assert his authority over me without any room for compromise. Now he does lead and guide and make decisions that I don't question, but that is because when he is praying about something I am right there with him praying and we both discuss the impressions we received and what direction we think we should take. It is a partnership, NOT a dictatorship.

If ANY guy is making you feel like you are less than a Daughter of a King, he is NOT worth it. Let me repeat...NOT WORTH IT!

So what is everyone doing for Valentine's Day? Becky is trying to convince Nikki to go out on a double date with her. Becky got asked out by Nikki's elder who baptized her....not Mayson, but the other one. Snap I know his name, but I can't recall it! Anyways we are trying to get Nikki to go out and have a non committal type of date you know? Nothing serious, just to get her out of the hospital and into the world. She hasn't left since I have been in here! Derek brought her suitcase and brings her stuff and sh is basically living here with me until I get out. Derek has to work and so do my brothers, so Nikki has been staying here to keep me company. I love her dearly, but she needs to get out.

Well I should be home by Friday of this week. *fingers crossed* I am WAY WAY WAY excited and THRILLED that I am doing better. I love you all and I am touched by all of your support and concern for us. We think about you all daily and we love hearing from you!


Loves and fluffs,

P.S. I am going to try and get some sonograms up here for you all to see!


Beauty From Pain

Hey all it is me Nikki. Now Becky told you all what happened with what's his face and everything. I was reading some comments and I pretty much decided that I was going to tell everyone how it went down and to give an update on Jess.

Well all of my family aren't members and they had been pretty upset that we were going to get married in the temple and that they couldn't be there. We talked and I said I wanted a ring ceremony and he totally agreed and we were planning on it, writing our own little vows and stuff and we were going to have Jess's dad talk about the importance of temple marriage. Now I am not sure how or why he changed his mind, but he got really mad when I brought it up to talk about what we were going to say and if we were going to make it as much like a regular wedding as possible. He went off about my family and how they don't deserve to even be a part of our wedding and how I wouldn't be able to talk to them and see them again. I told him to lay off my family and he started yelling at me telling me that he holds the priesthood and I have to listen to what he says. Okay first off you never say that to any woman and second we (as daughters of our Heavenly Father) do not have to follow a priesthood leader if they are leading us down paths that we are not comfortable with and thirdly my patriarchal blessing has some pretty strict man guidelines that he was breaking. When I told him that he went and hit me in the face! I looked at him in shock and said we were over and idk really why but he just lunged at me and was starting to hit me again so I hauled out and beat the crap out of him.

I have been in fights before (BEFORE I joined the church mind you) and growing up in an abusive household you learn how to defend yourself. I fight dirty if I have to but mainly I do self-defense stuff. Now I only have a few bruises here and there, but he has a broken arm, two black eyes, a fractured hip bone, and his left ankle is broken in too many places for the doctor's to count. All in all the fight lasted maybe ten minutes before we were found and pulled apart....well I was pulled off him. Derek and Jess's brothers came after Becky heard screaming and no one was answering the door. I have filed charges against him and I am not in any legal trouble since it was self-defense.

So there you all have it.

OH and we found out that Jess is having twins!!!!! Yeah all those tests they have been doing have revealed she has a boy and a girl growing in her! Apparently her low weight was causing premature labor or something like that. I think it also had to do with the fact that she has been sick as well. Not really sure but they said she should be fine from now on, but she will have doctor's visits every week just to make sure she is 100% We are all so excited for her and she is on cloud nine right now!

I want you all to know that even though I ended up not getting married and beating the crap out of my ex-fiance, I still know that not all guys are the same. There are decent and genuinely nice guys out there who won't try to dominate unworthily and who will consider you (and me) their greatest treasure. Yes there are creeps and jerks and guys who deserve what is coming to them, but we shouldn't judge against all of them based on the few a-holes (excuse the lanugage) out there. I have been praying a lot for understanding and for help through this. I know that Heavenly Father wants the best for me and that He doesn't want me to give up hope in all of this. It has been an experience since joining the church, not all of it good, but I still know that the Church is true and that I have a big brother and heavenly parents who loves me and are watching over me.

Don't lose hope or faith our dear readers. Keep smiling and remember that with darkness comes light. Always search for the good in the world.

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease,

P.S.- In reality though I am not as collected as this posting sounds, but with the support I am getting the burden of pain is not so heavy.


What the Fudge?

So basically we have all been MIA for awhile...soooo many things have happened. Oh and by the way this is Becky writing. I am not at my computer right now so I couldn't put up my lovely little icon. Anyways back to our lives.  Well Nikki's engagement to Mr. Incredible fell through. Yeah she found out some rather not good things about him that apparently no one knew about and she had to break things off. Total and complete ruin is what she is in and the rest of us are in shock. Turns out Mr. Incredible has a mean streak in him. They got into a fight over whether to have a ring ceremony or not (Nikki wanted one for her non-member family) and some words were said and he hauled out and hit Nikki. She still has the bruises from it, but he will be in a wheelchair for awhile. Growing up Nikki was abused and she swore no one would hit her and get away with it again. Stupid Idiot found out too late that Nikki can hold her own and than some in a fight. She is taking a little break from writing right now but she will be back...probably by next week.

Anyways I have been up here in Idaho taking night classes and working. I finally got a job up here after what seemed like an eternity of jub hunting. Let me tell you that it sure is nice to be working and getting money! The dating situation hasn't really changed much. I am still single and too busy to even notice. I am learning to snowboard! How flipping cool is that?! Okay so I am a desert rat and I think snow is magical and I love it...get over it already! I have gotten pretty sick though with colds and coughs, but luckily for me my roommates are all pretty well paranoid about dying of sickness so they stock up on every kind of cold medicine possible! It has been a really busy time, especially lately. The most important thing going on right now for me is trying to keep our little group together. Nikki is in and out of it on a daily basis and she keeps disappearing into her mind and Jess is...well keep reading to find out.

Jess is still bed ridden. She almost lost the baby and had to be rushed to the hospital over the weekend. I am in the cafeteria right now of said hospital typing as Derek and Nikki eat the nasty hospital food. Blegh! We all were really worried about Jess and I drove down asap. Nikki was up here anyways visiting when it all went down. She just started having these sharp pains and was bleeding really bad and she passed out all of a sudden. Nikki and Derek rushed to the hospital and the next thing they knew there was billions of doctors and nurses running around attending to Jess and finally they were told that the baby and Jess were fine and that she would need to stay in the hospital under surveillance for two weeks. They don't know what happened, but they are trying to fatten her up because she had been losing weight instead of gaining it despite her healthy apetite. Jess is doing fine though and as soon as she can she will write, she promises. In fact I think she is writing in a notebook and then going to have me type it for her. Crazy woman that one is!

Our deepest apologies to our readers for not keeping up with our blog and facebook page. Life had been going so well for us and than suddenly it was like this huge dumping of horrible out of nowhere. Through it all though we have held on to our faith and each other. We hope that you all are alright and we send you are love.

Laters My Gators,


Fever, chills, and all around sickiness

It is not enjoyable at all to be ill and pregnant. Doctors, husbands, and family and friends in general worry all the time and it gets rather strenous and makes me cranky. Also the cold is making me cranky too...and there aren't any of my favorite chips in the house because I ate them all :( Derek is going to have to get me some since I got told RUDELY by the doctor that I am not to get up out of bed until I am healthily better. POO!

I think everyone is going crazy, and I do admit that I am going a bit crazy and driving everyone else mad but I can't help it.... stinky hormones!



Okay so here is how it allwent down and I have Becky to help me with the details I didn't really know about!

So on Christmas Day I went over to my Family's house to spend some time with them unwrapping gifts and eating Christmas Dinner, but Mr. Incredible came with me. Now I guess at ome point I was in the bathroom and my told my parents his intentions....no he didn't ask... he told them he was going to ask me to marry him. Now I when I found that out it made more sense as to why my family ignored him the rest of our stay, but at the time I though they just decided to be rude.

Anyways Saturday came around and He said he needed to go into Vegas and get some souveniers for his family because apparently his mom had told him to get her something special. Derek took him down as well as Papa Brinton (Jess's Dad) and they went Ring shopping and they were texting Becky and Jess pictures of options and they all decided on the ring together! All the while I am sitting there in Sherlock Holmes trying to figure outwhy my two best friends are ignoring Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. so rudely! The guys didn't get home til late so we all had dinner seperately, but we waited for them all to have Scriptures and Family Prayer. Mama Brinton went and was reading scriptures about love and marriage and than Derek said this prayer about opening our hearts to love. I looked over at Mr. Incredible all mortified because I knew somehow they were talking to us and all he did was shrug at me!

That Sunday we had gone to the Single's branch and than later to Branch Prayer. Normally the chairs are in a circle, but Becky and Jess called the Branch President and asked him to set it up in the shape of a heart.
Yeah we walked in and I started laughing at how the Branch Presidency was trying to get a message of dating and love across to the Branch...well jokes on me!

Before the prayer President went and said that he had  very special announcement to make. He put his next phrase like this "One of our friends here is getting engaged in just a few moments. She doesn't know yet, but I thought I would just let you all know to prepare yourselves for whatever may happen." Now everyone started looking around at all the couples in the room trying to figure out what was happening. I turned to Becky and I noticed her not sitting but by the light swich and she was busting up laughing. Before I could say anything she yells out
and rudely turns off the lights. The odd thing about me is that I really dislike the dark so naturally I froze solid and suddenly next to me there was something glowing. Turns ot Mr. Incredible had snuck in Glow Sticks and he cracked them, grabbed me, led me to the middle of the heart (well the glowsticks President had in his pocket indicated the middle), and than yelled
Needless to say when the lights came on he was on one knee in front of me and everyone started busting up laughing at my face which was apparently super red. Anyways I said yes and than the Prayer was said and we all had the standard branch prayer treats.

All in all I really think it was brilliant and am just so happy to be marrying him. I can honestly say I love him and I am confident that Heavenly Father approves. I used to sit and wonder about if I was ever going to get married and I would always say I would never marry someone who I hadn't dated for a long time. Now I am one of those girls who meets a guy and gets engaged like shortly after. heck we've been on less than five dates, but I love his family and he loves my adopted family!

Oh and his mom totally loves how he got her a new daughter for Christmas, oh yes, she does!

Well there you have it. You can choose to believe or not, but I know that this is right and I couldn't be more ecstatic!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease,